Your connection to the life of Benson Memorial UMC!

A New Way of Connecting

We are very excited to announce a new way to interact with Benson Memorial UMC. This month, we are switching to Planning Center as our church management software. With this new software, our church staff will gain an increased ability to communicate, schedule, generate reports, manage registrations and room reservations, share files, and more. One of the most exciting features of Planning Center is their phone app and their online portal for the congregation, called Church Center.

Church Center includes a new church directory!

By accessing the Church Center phone app or online portal, you will be able to keep your personal information up to date, access our online church directory, and easily check in to worship services (either in-person or online) and other events. You will also be able to give to Benson Memorial by ACH transfer from your bank account, give using a credit or debit card, and even give by sending a text. Small group and Sunday School leaders will be able to take attendance, communicate with their groups, share resources and files, and so much more. These are just some of the features available through Church Center. Not all have been unlocked for the congregation just yet, and will be rolled out over the coming months.


It's easy to join!

If you have been a member for awhile, you have been sent an invitation to join Church Center. If you have not received an invitation, please contact us at to ask for one. The emails arrive in your inbox with the heading "You are invited to join our directory." You only need to click on the "Join Directory" button in the email message to be taken to Benson Memorial's Church Center web page. There, you'll be prompted to enter your mobile phone number to get a login code. Enter the code on the web page, then click on the "Log in as..." button, and you're in! Once you access your profile, be sure to allow your information to show in the directory. You can choose how much of it to share, upload a photo of yourself, and update your contact information.


We strongly recommend everyone with a smartphone to download the Church Center phone app. For your convenience, a QR code to take you directly to the app download on your app store is located on this page. If you do not have a smartphone, or if you wish to access the information from your computer, you can sign up and use the web portal by going to


We're excited about our new app!

We understand this is a big change, and we appreciate your patience as we move forward. We hope you will be as excited as we are about all of the improvements and opportunities Church Center will give our church family to connect with each other.


To make our church directory a success, we need each one of you to join the directory when you receive the email invitation in the coming days. Be sure to download the Church Center app today!


Want to learn more? Check out these training resources!

What is Church Center?
Where Can I Get the Church Center App?
Where Can I Find the Benson Memorial UMC Church Center Portal?
How Do I Use Our Church Directory?
What Is the "Me" Tab All About?
How Do I Give to My Church?
Where Can I Learn About All the Features in Church Center?