Find a study or classroom that’s just right for you.
All Sunday School classes and weekly studies at Benson Memorial are meeting in person. Here’s an overview of each class. If you would like to know more about them, please email Ron Springsteen.

High School Bible Study
Wednesday Night Bible Study
Thursday Morning Bible Study
Benson Discussion Class
Brightsiders Class
Pathfinders Class
Children’s Classes
High School Bible Study

High School Bible Study

Teacher: Cortney Babajtis
Wednesdays, 7:00 to 8:00 PM, Home of Lynda and Robert Boone

All high schoolers and their friends are invited! It’s a great time for us to catch up with each other, learn more and have intriguing discussions about the Bible, and eat tasty treats made with love by Robert and Lynda Boone. We hope you’ll join us! Email Cortney Babajtis for more information.

Wednesday Night Bible Study
Thursday Morning Bible Study
Benson Discussion Class
Brightsiders Class
Pathfinders Class
Children’s Classes


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